Accredited Hypnotherapist and Counsellor.

Having undertaken her studies in Melbourne at the Academy of Hypnotic Science, qualifying in 2006. Karen now continues to assist clients in her practice at 83 Garden Street, East Geelong. Karen is also the Principal of Geelong Bodi and Mind also located at 83 Garden St, East Geelong.

Karen's Blog

Having restless legs can be a debilitating experience, and strangely, trying to relax can seem to make the syndrome worse!

So what is Claustrophobia? Claustrophobia is often described as a fear of enclosed place. A more accurate description might be a fear of not having an easy escape route.

In modern life it’s all too easy to find yourself feeling stressed, tense, overwhelmed or on the brink of collapse, feeling like you are on the “treadmill” of life and can’t get off.


Many people develop a fear of falling whether it be from a height or simply tripping up, which can be very incapacitating and restrictive, particularly as we get older.

Fear of birds or ornithophobia as it is sometimes called, is extremely common – there are hundreds of thousands of people who experience fear and anxiety about those feathered creatures –

People with phobias sometimes feel a bit embarrassed about their fear, and if they are with other people when the phobic response is occurring, they may try to hide it from them.

A healthy reverence of heights is not a bad thing and being cautious around heights is a natural instinct for us humans that has proven very useful for our survival

Fear of vomiting or emetophobia as it is sometimes called, can take two forms. It can either involves a fear of being sick yourself and/or a fear of other people being sick and often the two coincide.

As humans, we have developed incredibly amazing imaginations that we use to tell ourselves how things could have been different in the past, or how they could be different in the future.

The Obesity Epidemic – whilst discussion about (and media attention on) this topic seems to have it constantly in the front of our mind, the problem of obesity is getting bigger as time passes.