Accredited Hypnotherapist and Counsellor.

Having undertaken her studies in Melbourne at the Academy of Hypnotic Science, qualifying in 2006. Karen now continues to assist clients in her practice at 83 Garden Street, East Geelong. Karen is also the Principal of Geelong Bodi and Mind also located at 83 Garden St, East Geelong.

Karen's Blog

It sounds simple enough, a young child sums up the creative process this way: “Drawing is easy. You just think your thought and draw your think!”

If you have let go of something that you love, depend on, or are accustomed to, these are the experiences of grief/loss response.

When someone becomes overwhelmed with anger, it can bring out a totally different side to their personality.  Anger can make us say things that we would never normally say and do things that we wouldn’t normally do.

Participating in sport, may mean working very hard at training the body, you push it, put it through its paces and work for hours to polish the finer points of the game or manoeuvre.

Research on naps, yoga, meditation, hypnotherapy or even a nature walk and the habits of artists and athletes reveal how mental breaks increase productivity, replenish attention, solidify memories and encourage creativity.

We tend to know pain as a physical sensation that causes bodily suffering and distress. To understand how this physical pain is sensed, imagine this:


What is an emotional trigger?  An emotional trigger is an experience that triggers an emotional memory, in other words a trigger is a reminder of an event.

Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (CFS): What is it? It is the common name for a group of significant debilitating medical conditions and are often represented by one or more of the following:

Prolonged, sustained, excessive stress and your similar response to it, not only causes deterioration of your brain, but it also compromises your immune system; your ability to fight off diseases.